Soundbites from our Education Webinar with IRIS

The risks of hiring the wrong person

Your reputation could be threatened or damaged, potentially taking years of time and effort to rebuild. Undergoing a Social Media Check provides protection from reputational harm and ensures values and cultures are maintained. 

Dr Danny Doyle, CEO Cardinal Newman Trust, explains this from a school’s perspective. 

The dangers of old content on social media

Content posted on social media years ago can be forgotten but still have an impact on future employment. A social media check reassures employers about the interviewee and will flag inappropriate posts that can be edited or removed.

Dr Danny Doyle, CEO Cardinal Newman Trust, describes how the report can help both the candidate and potential employer.

Collaboration can make a positive difference in recruitment 

There are several ways a collaborative and consented approach to undergoing a social media check can benefit both the employer and the individual when recruiting a new individual.

Hear how Dr Danny Doyle from the Cardinal Newman Trust approaches the use of a social media check.

The benefits of a fully automated social media check

Are you confident that a manual search of an individual’s social media profiles would protect your company from a bad hire? We provide a comprehensive report in less than an hour, protecting the employer and individual from reputational damage.

Find out how our automated social media checks have helped the Cardinal Newman Trust.

A safer recruitment approach

We provide a safer recruitment approach with a rigorous and compliant process that can be evidenced with organisations such as OFSTED. Our automated solution searches posts across social media platforms providing a report and certificate within the hour. 

See how Social Media Check has impacted the recruitment process at the Cardinal Newman Trust. 

Reducing reputational risk

A collaborative approach to a social media check between the employer and the candidate can mitigate the risk of reputational damage for organisations. It can also ensure that company values and culture are maintained. 

Dr Danny Doyle, CEO Cardinal Newman Trust.

Save hours trawling through social media posts

Checking an individual’s social media profile is a great way of understanding their behaviour, however, it is time-consuming and open to unconscious bias. Our automated solution provides a detailed, interactive report in under an hour. 

 ‘I’ve never seen anything like it’ explains Dr Danny Doyle, CEO Cardinal Newman Trust. ‘How on earth would I get the information otherwise?’

Improve the safety of your recruitment process

Adopting a more reliable and rigorous employment approach, in the form of Social Media Check, can support your business by avoiding the cost of a bad hire, loss of contracts and financial penalties.  

Transparency is key. Hear how Dr Danny Doyle, CEO Cardinal Newman Trust has successfully introduced a social media check into his safer recruitment process.

Soundbites from our safer recruiting in education Webinar

Don’t get caught out with social posts from years ago

A social media check can provide a reliable analysis of your social media profiles, identifying risk against ten key categories, using automated software that returns an auditable, comprehensive, report and certificate within an hour. 

Lyndsey Worthington, HR Lead, explains how useful this has been for the staff at the King’s School. 

Your digital footprint can go back years, even decades

Don’t let your social media let you down. Social Media Check searches all private and public posts across the major social media platforms, delivering a detailed report within the hour and providing the option to edit or delete inappropriate content.  

HR Lead, Lyndsey Worthington, shares her experience of how beneficial Social Media Check has been for the King’s School. 

Protect your organisation from the risk of a bad hire

Hiring the right employee is critical and reviewing their social media profiles is becoming a standard part of the hiring process. Undertaking this manually can be fraught with dangers which can be avoided with an automated social media check. 

Lyndsey Worthington, HR Lead at King’s School explains her experience with Social Media Check.