Report Status Codes Explained
Report Status Codes can be found under the “STATUS” column within the report management table.
The order is placed from the self-registration page, but the candidate has not yet acted on the Consent email (e.g., Consent or Reject).
The candidate has clicked the Consent button and has started to consent to individual platforms to be included in the scope of the check.
Note, the end user has yet to submit the consent form. The status remains Consented until the extraction process begins when the “In Progress” status will be displayed.
The consent response has been received and the core system has initiated report processing. This status applies during the following sub-processes:
- Extraction
- Analysis
- Report Generation.
The report has been successfully generated.
An error occurred during extraction, analysis, or report generation.
Pending consent submission for older portal reports.
The candidate rejected the request via the Consent email.
API Status Codes Explained
API Status Codes can be found under the “API” column within the report management table.
The API status codes relate to stages that need to be completed by the SMC participant in order for the SMC solution to receive the necessary consent and social media platform information in order to process the request.
Once a 10005 status is received, the SMC system will access the end users social media accounts, extract the post data, analyse this and publish the SMC outputs (Interactive Report, PDF Report and Certificate).
API Status Definitions
The SMC request has been accepted for processing by the system.
The SMC consent email has been sent to the user.
The user opened the consent email and clicked on the “CONSENT” link in the email (i.e. accepted to undertake the SMC check).
The user has viewed the Consent Web Page and has commenced consent to Social Media platforms.
The user opened the consent email and clicked on the “DECLINE” link in the email (i.e. declined to undertake the SMC check).
The user has viewed the Consent Web Page, disclosed their Social Media platforms, authenticated access to these for SMC (using OAUTH) and clicked the consent & submit buttons (i.e. they have submitted everything required within the SMC consent cycle).